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Protecting Your Hardwood Floor from Dog Scratches with a Few Tips


Do you live with a pet dog? If you do, you are well aware of the damage your lovely pet can cause on the hardwood floor, especially when running around the house. However, letting a pet dog and a hardwood floor co-exist is possible; you must figure out how to protect the delicate surface from ugly scratches. Here is what you should do:


  • Place a rug
    If your dog has a favourite spot on the hardwood floor, the signs of ageing there will no doubt appear. To protect that particular floor area, you can place a rug for your dog to spend time on. While rugs and small carpets work wonders to preserve the surface beneath scratch-free, they might come with the downside of not being a match for your interior. But given all the negative impact scratches have on the wooden floor, consider looking for the right rug that will align with your décor – the variety of colours and patterns rugs ensure is greater than you imagine.


  • Vacuum daily
    Vacuuming the hardwood floor daily is always a good idea, and when living with a pet dog, this cleaning method becomes even more effective. Pet hair and dirt from the outside are the leading cause of scratches on the wooden surface, so try sticking to a regular vacuum cleaning routine. Sweep or vacuum clean the floor daily to pick up dirt, and don't forget to set the vacuum cleaner to the right feature. The beater bar is what you should never opt for, as this might seriously damage the surface.


  • Purchase dog nail covers
    Sometimes, it is not even necessary for your dog to run around the house so that ugly scratches appear on the wooden floor. Since dogs' nails always stay exposed, walking on the wooden floor might lead to scratching, especially for large, heavy breeds. To prevent scratches, you can purchase specially designed dog nail covers. These items are pretty cheap, and they come in various sizes; pick the size that is a perfect fit for your pet.


  • Trim the nails
    Your dog's nails grow fast, which is why you should trim them regularly. Short, non-sharp nails minimise the floor's scratching, so take your time to check on your dog's paws often. If the time has come for trimming, be patient and carefully tackle the task without causing distress to your beloved pet. Don't cut it too short, as you might hurt your dog's skin. If you believe trimming the nails is too complicated to handle on your own, take the dog to a pet groomer. Allow the pros to safely take care of the dog's nails to keep the hardwood floor scratch-free and your four-legged friend happy. Another way to maintain the dog's claws short enough is to take it for a walk as often as possible. In addition to the health benefits regular walks provide, they are also a great way to prevent your pet's overgrown nails naturally.


  • Wax the floor
    Waxing the hardwood floor ensures a better grip for your dog while running around, thus minimising the need to use its nails for better balance. If scratches still appear, waxing limits their depth, allowing you to cover the damage by re-waxing easily. To prolong the lifespan of your hardwood floor while living with a pet dog, wax the surface every couple of years. Research to figure out the right product for your type of floor, and contact the wooden floor manufacturer for instructions on how to wax the surface by yourself properly.


Dogs are amazing pets, and with the help of these tips, you can let your furry friend and the beautiful hardwood floor co-exist for a long time.


©FK Floor Sanding


6 Common Issues you May Face with your Hardwood Floor


Just like any other flooring solution, wooden alternatives have their flaws. Although natural wood is durable and never goes out of style, you should realise that problems with the floors are possible to appear. If you consider getting rid of your carpet in the name of a shiny wooden surface, keep on reading. Before you make your decision final, get to know the most typical issues you may have to deal with when opting for hardwood floors:


  • Staining - a hardwood floor or not, the sooner you clean liquid messes, the greater chance you have to save the surface from permanent damage. Although stains are a problem for any type of floor, with a wooden floor you should be even more careful. When untended for hours, the spillage may enter through wood's finish and ruin the structure of the material. In such cases, pricey repairs become necessary, which is why you should be cautious if you live with small children or pets. The presence of kids and animals increases the possibility for accidents and you should be aware of that fact when installing a hardwood floor.


  • Daily wear and tear - you can say with no doubt that hardwood floors are a durable solution. They take advantage of a protective finish that preserves them in top shape for a long time. Even so, your daily routine would leave marks on the wooden floor. Dents and scratches are likely to appear unless you take precautions and delay the process of wear and tear. Using area rugs to balance extreme foot traffic and keeping your shoes off the hardwood floor are reasonable measures you should consider.


  • Fading - frequent exposure to sunlight is something wooden floors usually don't tolerate. Despite their protective finish, when constantly exposed to sunlight hardwood surfaces start looking dull. Of course, this process wouldn't happen overnight and you can take actions to prevent it from happening at all. You should know that the higher quality hardwood floor you install, the more sunlight it can handle. But if you are on a tight budget and the best wooden floors are not an option, think about installing blinds or thick curtains.


  • Buckling - buckling is one of the most serious problems you may face with your hardwood floor. Whether the wooden floor has suffered a flood or another moisture-related accident, moisture is always the cause for buckling. In rare cases, the proven specialist can fix the damaged boards, but typically you would have to replace the affected parts of the floor. Don't forget that before dealing with this problem, you should make sure that moisture is gone. Otherwise, you risk your brand-new floor buckling again.


  • Poor finish - with a hardwood floor it is certain that over time its glossy finish would start peeling off. Usually, this process takes years to begin, but if the finish has been applied improperly, it can deteriorate much earlier. The good news is you can restore the beauty of your floor by sanding and then reapplying the finish. Let experts take care of the renovation so that you can rest assured the new finish would last for a long time.


  • Limited cleaning methods - as you already know, extreme moisture is a dangerous enemy to any hardwood floor. For that reason, you shouldn't depend on cleaning techniques that involve water application, which makes your number of solutions rather limited. You are allowed to mop the floor, as long as you steer clear of the great amount of water and harsh detergents. While sweeping the floor you should also be careful, otherwise ugly scratches are likely to appear.


Despite these negative features, a hardwood floor remains a wonderful alternative for homeowners who want to add class and cosiness to their places. With the right maintenance and a few protective measures, your beautiful hardwood floor would stay in top condition for many years.

©FK Floor Sanding

Why Your Hardwood Floor Looks Dull And How To Fix That


Installing a hardwood floor is a classy, sophisticated way to go when you decorate your home. This is a type of flooring that looks great and never goes out of style. It’s maintenance, however, may turn out to be a deal-breaker for you. As time goes by wooden floors tend to lose their initial glow and start looking dull. Yet you should know that you are not powerless against an outworn wooden floor and you can make things right. Don’t give up on a stylish hardwood floor, but find out why it looks dull and learn tips on preventing damages.


  • You use a wrong cleaning product – disinfecting wooden floors the wrong way is a common issue that can easily ruin wood’s shine. When you are not careful with the detergent you apply, you may get confused and use ammonia or bleach-containing products that are harmful to hardwood floors. In case such an accident happens, evaluate the damage, but in most cases, you should reseal the surface. To avoid that scenario, just don’t hurry and read the label of the detergent first. Also, stick to the instructions for a proper application given by the cleanser's manufacturer.


  • You don’t clean the right way – you believe that mopping is all you have to do to keep a hardwood floor fresh and shiny. In fact, this way of thinking means nothing but a dirty floor. You should always vacuum clean or sweep the floor before you start with the mopping task. Otherwise, you simply reshuffle grime and it remains stuck to the floor. Besides, don’t forget to clean your mop after each application, so that you can eliminate any chance of spreading dirt around.


  • You forget to dry the floor – perhaps you know that water is wood’s real enemy and if not properly used, it can make your hardwood floor look dull in no time. Of course, you need water to mop the floor, but be careful with the level of moisture. You should also buff the floor right after you are done mopping. This way you can keep it shiny and prevent the surface from ugly streaks. Use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to buff the hardwood floor with.


  • You don’t protect it enough – there are many factors in your lifestyle that affect the way your hardwood floor looks. Habits like wearing high heels in the house or not placing area rugs often lead to scratches and scratches mean a dull wooden floor. You should change some of your routines so that you can prevent dullness from happening. Put doormats in front of your door and benefit from area rugs to protect zones with the highest foot traffic. If you have pets, keep them groomed and have their scratchy nails regularly clipped. Generally, try to realise which of your habits are harmful to the hardwood floor and make the effort to replace them with more appropriate, wood-friendly behaviour.


  • It’s time for a new finish – no matter how attentive you are, the truth is hardwood floors eventually have to be refinished. It is clear that the more you try to preserve the surface, the later refinishing would be required. It should take years for a quality wooden floor to need a new finish, but when this moment arrives, fear not. The most common types of hardwood floors can be resealed at least several times. Refinishing and resealing your floor is the most secure way to eliminate a dull appearance. Take advantage of this method to restore the amazing appearance of your wooden floors.


A dull hardwood floor is something you can deal with, as soon as you figure out what causes the loss of shine. If you are a fan of a glossy wooden floor, keep it in an excellent condition by eliminating all factors that are harmful to its perfect look.


© FK Floor Sanding


Cleaning Tips for Hardwood Floors


You’ve been searching for tips to not only clean your hardwood floors but maintain their shine also? The secret is in regular cleaning. This is because wood floors tend to take the largest brunt of a home’s wear and tear. Hardwood floors have to withstand all the dirt, grime, debris and dust that you bring into the house. It gets even tougher for your floors when you add the mess and dirt of pets and children to the mix.


When your hardwood floors are dirty, they could become damaged, causing expensive repairs, refinishing or replacement. Experts all over, stress the importance of regular floor cleaning to ensure that it does not become unmanageable or a humungous task. Most agree that cleaning should be done a few times during the week to ensure the floor does not get filthy.


You might wonder if there is a preferred method to clean your hardwood floors. The truth is, it depends on not just your requirements, but also your lifestyle. Numerous types of wood flooring like laminate, composite or solid wood have varying needs when it comes to how they are maintained. This not only applies to these surfaces but also the products that are used to ensure they keep their original integrity and shine.


The first thing you should do is to invest in the correct cleaning tools

One of the best ways to clean your hardwood floors is to make use of a microfibre mop, which can remove dirt, dust and any other particles that have found their way into your home. Using a microfibre mop ensures that while you clean, your hardwood floors do not get scratched like certain vacuum cleaners might.


Ensure that you purchase a microfibre mop for hardwood floors. If possible, also ensure that you have numerous refills for the microfibre mop as it is best to clean the floor with a clean dust mop.


If you are interested in cleaning your hardwood floors daily, particularly when you don’t have enough time, you could opt for a robot vacuum, precisely one that is capable of both mopping and vacuuming.


Cleaning your hardwood floors naturally

One of the very best cleaners to use on hardwood floors is vinegar. Not only is it safe for the hardwood floor, but it is also inexpensive and natural. When you want to use vinegar to clean your floor, ensure that you make use of apple cider vinegar, mixing about a quarter of a cup to a gallon of lukewarm water.


If you are unable to get apple cider vinegar, you can make use of white vinegar. But instead that a quarter cup, you should use half a cup to a gallon of water. It can be used to clean any floor type. If the smell of vinegar is not something that appeals to you, you can put a drop of your favourite essential oils to help disguise the smell.


You can be sure that when you make use of this natural method to clean your hardwood floor, you are sure that you are not harming yourself, your pets or any children that could come into contact with the floor. Another benefit of using vinegar to clean your hardwood floors is that it does not leave a residue, neither do you need to rinse it like you would for cleaning solutions that contain chemicals.


When you do make use of vinegar to clean your floor, it is essential to remember that you must first remove dust particles from the hardwood floor. Ensure that when you clean using the apple cider vinegar solution, you do not let the wood get too wet, as that could erode the finish. It could also cause deterioration or warping.


Cleaning your hardwood floors without using water

You might not want to clean your floors with water considering they are made of wood, well there is a way to ensure that your floors remain clean without needing water. All you need to do is head to the store and purchase any of the numerous no-water cleaning solutions. You don’t have to rinse the floor, neither do you have to worry about the solution leaving a residue. One thing you have to watch out for when purchasing a no-water cleaning solution is to ensure that it has been designed for your type of hardwood, else you could end up damaging the floor.


Tips to ensure that your hardwood floor remains clean

It is quite easy for your hardwood floors to switch from clean and shiny to being completely covered in filth in a flash. All they need is a pair of dirty boots, a spill, or an unruly pet coming in from outside can undo all the excellent work you have done in an instance.


That being said, there is also dirt that happens due to walking with your shoes inside your house. The best way to help ensure that you don’t have a lot to clean is to implement a shoe-free area. If you don’t want to do that, you can also purchase a doormat, to encourage everyone in your household to wipe their feet.


© FK Floor Sanding

Hardwood Floor Vs. Laminate Floor: Which One Is Better?


In case of your new construction or home renovation project requires the look and feel of traditional hardwoods, then you have three options to choose from, and these are engineered wood, hardwood, and laminate. This article will explore the differences between the last two options, namely hardwood and laminate. 

Laminate floors are comprised of multiple layers of sturdy materials. The bottom layer is referred to as the stabilizing layer that is made to withstand moisture. This particular layer is then covered with synthetic fibre boards for strength. Meanwhile, photographic layers are added on top of the fiberboards, which is responsible for its design. Finally, melanin resin is added as the last layer. Laminate floors are ideal for bathrooms and kitchens. They are great options for DIYers who would like to have new floors in their old home. This kind of floor is also great for those who have pets at home and those who are looking for a wide range of style options. 

Hardwood floors are made from trees, cut into planks, and sanded to smoothen it out. You can purchase them in different sizes and cuts and are made of different wood species. Hardwood floors are known for their natural tones and organic grains. Hardwood floors can turn living rooms into gorgeous living spaces, and they look great in homes that come with a colonial style. They are known for their longevity and the ability to boost the home’s resale value. 

Best Option In Appearance

Hardwood floor is the winner if you are looking for the best option in terms of looks. They possess a timeless appeal, unexpected knots, organic grains, as well as a natural texture that laminate floors cannot replicate. Hardwood floors can also have different stains as well as finishes, and they can get an extra shine if coated with wax. When you choose a lighter species such as white oak, you will be able to add other visually pleasing stains like blue and red. The problem with hardwood floors is that they can scratch easily, and that means homeowners need to maintain them regularly. There are certain species of hardwood floors that are prone to discolouration, especially when exposed to the sun’s UV rays for a long time. 

Laminate floors have evolved since its first introduction. Nowadays, you will find options that look a lot like hardwood and some variations even look like cork, bamboo, fabric, and stone. However, laminate floors still cannot wholly replicate the appearance of hardwood floors. 

Best Option For Longevity

Hardwood floors also top the list when it comes to longevity. They can last up to twenty years if they are regularly maintained. Some hardwood floors lasted for as long as 100 years like the ones found in historic houses. Since hardwood floors last a long time, it can add value to your home compared to laminate floors. 

In case they get damaged, homeowners can easily refinish them. However, hardwood floors are not resistant to stains, dents, and scratches. The durability of the floor will depend on the wood species used. You also have to finish, wax, and maintain the wood, which means additional expenses on the part of the homeowner. Furthermore, unfinished hardwood floors are susceptible to warping and moisture damage. 

Meanwhile, laminate floors are not susceptible to dents, stains, and scratches. They are also great options for homeowners living a hectic lifestyle and work well in areas that receive high foot traffic and those that are prone to constant messes. Laminate floors cannot last as long as hardwood floors. Additionally, if you go with cheaper variations of laminate floors, you might end up replacing them sooner than expected.  


© FK Floor Sanding

Hardwood Floor Cleaning Tips

Hardwood floors are a significant investment that take such a beating once they are installed. We track dirt onto them, walk all over them, and still, we expect them to look great at the end of each day. How do you keep your floors looking great despite receiving heavy foot traffic on a day to day basis?

Vacuum The Floor Every Week

You most likely do this already, but it always bears repeating. Do you want to know why? Dust is comparable to sandpaper, and if not removed, it will wear through the finish of your hardwood floor. You can protect your wood floor’s finish and maintain its gleaming appearance by vacuuming it regularly. Don’t forget to use an attachment with a felt surface that will run along the floor. Don’t use attachments with rotating brushes or beater bars because they can cause scratch marks on the floor’s finish. In case you don’t feel like using the vacuum, you can always use microfiber sweepers or dust mops.

Hairspray and Furniture Polish

These two products can easily cloud the finish of your hardwood floor. Be sure to clean them off right away using a damp towel. If you want to do a more comprehensive cleaning, you can spray it with a window cleaner that does not contain ammonia.

Be Cautious With Rain and Water

Water will not only damage the finish of your hardwood floor but also penetrate deep into the wood and lead to staining. If you are expecting rain or it is already pouring down in your area, be sure that you close the windows. Don’t forget to place trays under all potted plants that are on the floor and obviously, wipe up any water as soon as you see it.

Get Rid Of Residue

Store a non-wax cleaner in a convenient spot in your house where you can access it quickly if you need to clean up minor issues before they end up damaging your floors. If you see any dirt or spill, clean it right away. Use a cleaner that does not contain wax to get rid of the residue. Always remember that dirt is among the most common culprit behind damaged hardwood floors and that’s why you have to deal with them right away. Aside from that, any form of liquid can ruin the hardwood floor’s finish and cause staining, which is why you have to take care of it right away.

Understand The Rules When Using Waxes and Restorers

It is possible to restore what used to be a stunning wax finish with additional wax. However, there are cases when waxing is not ideal. You can’t use it for polyurethane, varnish, or shellac. It will make the floor slippery and negatively affect the subsequent finishes. For polyurethane, you have to use a polish that is designed for that specific material. For other types of surface finish, then it is highly recommended to use an all-purpose floor restorer. But before you use it, you have to test the restorer first on a hidden area to make sure that it will not peel off.

Use Doormats

Place doormats in and out of your house. Even though vacuuming and spot cleaning are good cleaning practices, you have to keep the dirt out of your home in the first place. You should also consider getting a six-foot-long mat for your front door. By having a longer mat that leads up to your front door, the more people, including family members and visitors, will rub moisture and dirt off their shoes intentionally or unintentionally as they walk in.

Put Area Rugs On High Traffic Zones

The finish on hardwood floors that are installed on high traffic zones will eventually wear out. The easiest way to reduce the wear is to place some nice looking throw rugs in areas that receive heavy foot traffic.


©  FK Floor Sanding

All you need to know about water damage on wood floors

Perhaps the most common issue with hardwood floors comes in the form of water damage. It is one of the problems that require a timely intervention, or else the repair process becomes more complex and expensive. It is safe to say that wood floor refinishing, or even replacement will be in order in severe cases of flooding or when you have delayed addressing the trouble. Of course, you wouldn’t want that to happen to your hardwood floor. Here is how you can spot, minimise and altogether prevent the damage that water can cause to a hardwood floor.



  • Prevention is the way to go – the most important thing to consider when it comes to a hardwood floor is prevention. Polyurethane coating is usually enough to prevent water and dust particles from ever reaching the wood. Proper maintenance and care of this protective layer is the best way to minimise the threat of water damage. Proper cleaning with a microfibre mop goes a long way in improving the lifespan of the polyurethane coating. Remember to use a slightly damp mop and never use excessive moisture on the hardwood floor.
  • How to identify water damage on wood floors – water doesn’t cause immediate damage to wood floors, but it does build up over time. The worst part is that by the time you notice any change, water will have already caused damage. The first thing to look out for is cupping of planks, or when a few planks create a hump. This is because wood expands, as it absorbs water, causing malformations in the planks of the floor.
  • Repair the root problem – while you may feel like repairing the damage of the wood floor as soon as possible, you first have to address the water. Where is it coming from? Since an accidental spill doesn’t cause that much damage, you need to look for a consistent source of water trouble. Fixing that should be your main priority. There are internal and external sources to keep in mind. Inspect the area around your windows. Do you see staining around there? It could be that water is seeping under the framing of a poorly installed window or door. Internal sources of water cause water damage more frequently than others. It could be your dishwasher or fridge dripping underneath the appliance.
  • This is more difficult to notice than, for example, radiator drips. Regardless of the source, you have to take quick action to fix it before initiation of wood floor repair can commence.
  • Consider repair options – there are different ways to repair the damage. For solid hardwood flooring, you are probably better off sanding and scraping off a quarter of an inch of the top layer. This should remove cupping, mould and staining when the planks dry out.

Now that you know more about water damage and hardwood floors, you can hopefully stay ahead in the game. Preserving hardwood is important. That way it will preserve its looks as time goes by.



If you feel like you need experts on the case, you can contact FK Floor Sanding on 020 3909 7641 to repair any damage on a hardwood floor.

©  FK Floor Sanding

Source: http://fk-floor-sanding.co.uk

Top tips for maintaining your hardwood floor in top shape


To keep a hardwood floor in good shape, you must invest some time and effort to achieve this goal. All experts agree that without proper maintenance any hardwood surface eventually loses its beauty and shows damage.

There are many ways to provide care for hardwood floors, and it is only logical to educate yourself on how to do so in the best possible manner. After all, hardwood floors are quite an investment, and you wouldn’t want to see it ruined after a short while. Here is a sample schedule you should adopt for best results:

Daily – sweep and dust high-traffic areas on a daily basis to keep them clean.
Weekly – vacuum clean floors, using an appropriate attachment.
Monthly – clean surfaces with a hardwood floor cleaner.
3-5 years – apply a maintenance coat of finish.
Every ten years – sanding is required, as well re-finishing floors again.

To keep hardwood floor in decent condition for time to come, you also need to invest some more effort. Here are few helpful maintenance tips you should follow in that regard:

Don’t clean with tile/vinyl cleaners – any self-polishing acrylic waxes quickly cause the wood to become more slippery, and worse yet – it acquires a dull look.

Stop debris at the door – throw a nice doormat at the entryway to stop debris from being tracked in. Solid dirt and other particles pose a threat to hardwood floors. The material could easily be scratched.

Don’t clean with moisture – one common mistake people make with cleaning hardwood floor is using too much moisture. Forget about wet-mopping, as moisture can and will dull the wood. If you ever use a steam cleaner, you can expect some severe damage to hardwood floors.

Treat spills immediately – while many finishes don’t have any problem with this, you should wipe up spills and stains as quickly as possible. Various substances can cause damage to some finishes, so it pays to address the problem soon enough. Use a slightly damp cloth for the job.

Don’t apply too much wax – if you notice the wax on your floor is dull, buff it. Don’t use too much wax, especially in areas that see little to no traffic (like the areas under furniture). You can apply some wax every other session to prevent build-up.
Put protectors on furniture – felt protectors on the legs of furniture work best to protect hardwood floors. That is especially the case with furniture pieces you often move, such as kitchen chairs.

Don’t walk on hardwood floors with dangerous shoes- cleats and high heels could cause some severe scratching, either to wood, or the finish of hardwood floors.
Do not slide heavy furniture – if you need to move heavy furniture items; it is best to lift it, instead of pushing it. That way you prevent scratches.

As you can see, there are quite a few things to consider in regards to hardwood floor care and maintenance. Implement said tips to keep your floor in top condition.

Should you ever need professional assistance with hardwood floors, don’t hesitate to contact FK Floor Sanding on 020 3909 7641.

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